Mahindra’s Construction Equipment Division (MCE), a part of the Mahindra Group, on Friday, 20th May, announced expansion of its road construction equipment range with the launch of the brand-new Mahindra RoadMaster G75 Smart. According to Jalaj Gupta, Business Head, Commercial Vehicles Business Unit, Mahindra & Mahindra Limited, the RoadMaster G75 Smart Motor Grader has been designed and developed in India based on deep insights into the needs of small road contractors.
“Our aim is to help small contractors break free from sub-optimal grading practices and to upgrade them to mechanization and enable them to participate in nation building. The brandnew G75 Smart motor grader is a highly reliable machine with low owning and operating costs and will truly be their “Profit Ka Partner”. Our existing RoadMaster range of motor graders has already captured over 20% market share, and we are confident that G75 Smart will further strengthen our position while transforming construction of small roads in India, which constitute about 60% of the country’s roads,” Gupta added.
The RoadMaster G75 Smart liberated road contractors from compromised makeshift solutions, such as manual labour and farm tractor-based graders. It is the ideal machine for spreading and grading applications for the rural, semi-rural and district roads, land development, internal housing and commercial roads. It enables small road contractors to participate in projects with grading needs for government flagship programs such as Smart City, as well as PMGSY roads.
The RoadMaster G75 Smart provides small contractors affordable uncompromised mechanization and an opportunity to deploy a registered motor grader in the smaller projects which was not possible hitherto with the conventional graders. Also, it will help improve the quality and longevity of work and quicker turnaround of projects.
The RoadMaster G75 Smart is powered by a 74 HP Mahindra CRDi engine which is coupled with a 3 m (10 ft) wide blade and iMAXX telematics solution. This equipment is optimized to deliver zero compromise grading at an equipment cost marginally higher to tractor grader but still fractional as compared to conventional motor graders making it ‘Profit Ka Partner’ of small road contractors.
It comes with a one-year warranty, eliminating the customer’s anxiety aabout expensive repairs. This is possible due to Mahindra’s engineering and manufacturing capability, backed by a gruelling testing regime and sourcing of the best components and the simplicity of the machine design.