Jaguar Land Rover India announced that it has begun deliveries of the all-New Range Rover Sport. The New Range Rover Sport is available with a 3.0 l diesel engine, delivering power of 258 kW and torque of 700 Nm and a 3.0 l petrol engine, delivering power of 294 kW and torque of 550 Nm. The New Range Rover Sport is available in Dynamic SE, Dynamic HSE and Autobiography specifications, with a First Edition available throughout the first year of production.
Rohit Suri, President and Managing Director, Jaguar Land Rover India, said: “The New Range Rover Sport builds on seventeen years of unparalleled sporting luxury by offering newer levels of sophistication and refinement to our highly discerning clients. The third-generation model is the most desirable, advanced and dynamically capable yet.”
Assertive, confident and muscular, the New Range Rover Sport delivers unparalleled road presence through its short overhangs, large wheels and unmistakable, dramatic profile. Range Rover Sport is built on the state-of-the-art MLA-Flex platform, which enables next-level capability, performance and handling, as well as greater efficiency.
Dynamic Air Suspension delivers unprecedented refinement while elements like Pre-emptive Air Suspension, Electronic Active Differential with Torque Vectoring by Braking and Adaptive Off-Road Cruise Control, collectively increase all-round capability.
The interior of the New Range Rover Sport is modernist, reductive and sophisticated, creating an impression of lightness, strength and space. With additional space, seamlessly integrated and intuitive technology, plus intelligent connectivity, occupants enjoy exceptional levels of comfort, style and wellbeing. High-performance visibility is guaranteed with the new Digital LED Headlights featuring Adaptive Front Lighting, while new Low Speed Manoeuvring Lights provide ultimate convenience.
The award-winning Pivi Pro infotainment features a high resolution floating 33.27 cm (13.1) haptic touchscreen positioned at the centre of the modernist dashboard. Controlling everything from navigation to media and vehicle settings, it learns the user’s habits and intelligently personalises the onboard experience, becoming a truly intuitive personal assistant. Next-generation Cabin Air Purification Pro is available to create and maintain the perfect driving environment and ensures well-being of everyone on board.