Volkswagen India inaugurated eight new touchpoints in Karnataka, Kerala, Punjab and Tamil Nadu as part of its drive to enhance its reach and accessibility across the country. The company said it would strengthen its network to 182 sales and 140 service touchpoints in 130 cities in 2023.
The newly inaugurated eight touchpoints are in Belagavi, Davanagere, Vijayapura in Karnataka; Coimbatore and Thoothukudi in Tamil Nadu; Kodungallur in Kerala and Mohali and Pathankot in Punjab. The newly inaugurated touchpoints offer a combination of services such as sales, pre-owned cars (Das WeltAuto.) and after-sales service. With the latest network additions, the current footprint of Volkswagen stands at 161 sales and 126 service touchpoints across 121 cities in India.
The German-engineered products and customer experience by Volkswagen has a new address in these cities with the inauguration of the eight touchpoints.
Ashish Gupta, Brand Director, Volkswagen Passenger Cars India, said, “India’s rapid economic growth has created an appetite for premium vehicles in regions beyond the big cities. This development, in-turn, is driving demand for our cars among an increasingly diverse customer base across the country. Our concerted push to expand our network will help us meet this demand and bring the Brand’s portfolio of German-engineered products closer to more customers in India than ever before.”
“At the same time, we understand that a well-rounded ownership experience is incomplete without robust after-sales services. Hence, our enduring commitment to providing our customers with an unparalleled level of convenience and satisfaction throughout their ownership journey will help us forge a long-lasting relationship with them. Through these new touchpoints, we look forward to welcoming more customers into the Volkswagen family and providing them with an unmatched ownership experience that is seamless, fulfilling, and truly exceptional,” he added.