DriveX, India’s first and largest fully integrated platform for refurbished two-wheelers, inaugurated its latest company-owned showroom in Sulur, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. The store launch in Sulur adds yet another feather to their hat, as it takes their total number of outlets across the country to 56. The latest store launch also corroborates DriveX’s steadfast journey in providing a premium experience to its customers.
The Sulur store, however, secures a unique position on the company’s success map, as DriveX takes immense pride in extending its services to a larger audience in its home city. With this distinctive launch in Coimbatore, DriveX establishes a hub-and-spoke model, enabling seamless, frictionless operation all over the region. This strategic move will effectively benefit the customers in South India.
The expansion of DriveX’s physical stores is a testament to its commitment and highly efficient omnichannel presence, facilitating customers to access their entire inventory and services on their website and physical stores.
Narain Karthikeyan, India’s first Formula 1 driver and the founder of DriveX initiated the store inauguration. Several dignitaries and automobile fans marked their presence at the event as well.
Interacting with customers on this occasion, Mr. Narain Karthikeyan said, “It is with immense joy that we come to Coimbatore, where DriveX embarked on its mission. Our new company-owned store is a clear reflection of our best practices and unmatched customer service. By managing this store directly, we ensure that every customer interaction is marked by excellence and trust.”
In an exclusive statement, Mr. Narain Karthikeyan said, “Our Coimbatore store is not just another run-of-the-mill retail store, but a strategic hub and epicenter of our operations in the south of India. The inherent connectivity advantage of Coimbatore will enable us to develop such a hub-and-spoke model efficiently and be more customer-focused in our service offerings. The store will embody our commitment to deliver world-class customer experiences and communicate our growth aspirations as we expand our prominence in local markets.”
DriveX invites all automotive enthusiasts and customers to visit the new store at Sulur, Coimbatore. For more information, visit