Rama Shankar Pandey, who led Hella India Lighting as its Managing Director for 13 years till recently, has joined Tata Green Batteries as its CEO. The battery maker Tata Green Batteries is a joint venture between the Tata Group’s auto components business Tata AutoComp Systems and Japan’s GS Yuasa Corporation. In his new role, Pandey will also be responsible for Tata AutoComp’s aftermarket business for all markets.
Pandey, a Mechanical Engineering degree holder from NIT, Calicut, spent 16 of the 25 years of his career so far at Hella. Prior to that, he had stints at bearing maker The Timken Company, and Bosch India where he started his career. With a rich experience in both OEM and aftermarket businesses of major component makers, Pandey is also the chairman of the industry body ACMA’s (Automotive Component Manufacturers Association of India) aftermarket committee.
As MD & CEO of Hella India Lighting, Pandey was instrumental in turning around the company’s operations during its difficult days in 2008-09. He was also responsible for global P&L, Team and Growth strategy for Hella Asia, including India and China, for the Special OE division. In 2019 he was appointed as Managing Director of Hella in the Philippines.
Pandey serves as Chairman, Road Safety Sub-Committee of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI). He is also a member of the Executive Committee of ACMA and a Governing Council member of ASDC (Automotive Skill Development Council).