Skoda Auto India recently said it has launched Monte Carlo edition of its mid-sized SUV Kushaq, priced between INR 15.99 lakh and INR 19.49 lakh (ex-showroom). The Kushaq Monte Carlo six-speed manual trim with one litre petrol engine is priced at INR 15.99 lakh while the one-litre automatic variant is tagged at INR 17.69 lakh. Similarly, the Monte Carlo edition manual trim with 1.5 litre engine is priced at INR 17.89 lakh while the range topping seven-speed automatic trim is tagged at INR 19.49 lakh.
Skoda Auto India Brand Director Zac Hollis said the Kushaq Monte Carlo edition celebrates company’s rally and motorsport pedigree and the success of its India 2.0 strategy. “The Monte Carlo edition is about style, its niche, it represents Skoda’s prolific rally heritage. It has style and sportiness with unique set of wheels, seats and black interiors,” he noted. The Monte Carlo is a car that appeals to the heart, to one willing to go the extra mile for the unique, subtle and sporty aesthetics, Hollis said.
“The Monte Carlo highlights a discrete sense of style. It is homage to the fact that you are driving a name soaked in pedigree and legacy of rally sport, providing a thrilling experience,” he added. On sales front, the company expects the Monte Carlo range to contribute around 10 per cent of its volumes going ahead, Hollis said. Skoda is currently selling around 2,500-3,000 units of the mid-sized SUV per month in the domestic market. “The new range comes on the back of tremendous success already for India 2.0 products. In March, we had the biggest ever month in terms if sales and then we followed it up with robust sales in April. So, we are on the track to almost treble our volumes in the country by end of this year,” he noted.
The Kushaq Monte Carlo comes in ‘tornado red’ and ‘candy white’ colours. Moreover, the 1.0 TSI of the Kushaq Monte Carlo is standard with start-stop recuperation that improves fuel efficiency. Hollis noted that its recently launched model Slavia was doing well with sales of around 2,500-3,000 units per month. “We managed to be number one in the mid-sized sedan segment in just the second month of the launch. Similarly, Kushaq is number three in the mid-sized SUV segment. So, both of the cars are doing well for the the company,” he added.
Skoda Auto is responsible for pressing ahead with the India 2.0 project on behalf of Volkswagen Group since June 2018. The company recently launched the Slavia sedan, its second product under India 2.0 project based on made-for-India MQB A0 IN platform.