CEAT Tyres has launched its new campaign featuring Aamir Khan showcasing the 5-star BEE (Bureau of Energy Efficiency) rating received for its premium tyres – SecuraDrive, SportDrive and CrossDrive AT. The 5 Star rating indicates best-in-class performance on the rolling resistance coefficient and a defined wet grip requirement. The star rating is akin to the Energy Efficiency stars for consumer durables in the country and allows the consumer to be empowered in their buying decision, enabling them to do away with misconceptions such as broader tyres, softer tyres, aesthetics, etc, while choosing a suitable tyre.
Conceptualised by Ogilvy India, the TVC talks about how most youth are looking for stylish tyres which give their ride a masculine, cool look. Through the TVC, Aamir Khan educates the consumers to look for 5-star BEE rating tyres instead, to ensure a safe drive. The campaign will be visible on all knock-out matches of the footfall world cup on Sport18 HD, SD and Connected TV. The campaign would also be amplified on digital platforms such as Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, In-shorts and TeamBHP.
Mr. Lakshmi Narayanan B, CMO, CEAT Tyres, said, “Delivering a unique proposition, we intend to drive greater awareness among consumers on the need to use BEE-rated tyres for their vehicles. CEAT’s 5-star rated tyres provide greater fuel efficiency along with the promise of a safe and seamless journey. As the government has taken the initiative to bring this system to the world of tyres, at CEAT we believe in being the forebearers of such valuable changes for the consumer. The 5-star rating has been awarded for a large range of CEAT tyres across our platforms of SecuraDrive, SportDrive and CrossDrive AT.
Mr. Rohit Dubey, Executive Creative Director, Ogilvy, “Simple things are the toughest to crack and we’re glad we could. We tried to address the tyre purchase reasoning in a simplistic fashion. We locked in on this approach keeping the logistics and star’s strengths in mind. Also, with Mr. Amir Khan, one doesn’t just get a star on board, one gets an extremely evolved creative mind who loves to collaborate. He would highlight the dialogs that could do better, the places where the beats could be, and many other aspects. All in all, a wonderful synergy. We are sure that this campaign will make a positive difference to the brand.”
The Government of India has recently launched the Star Labelling Programme for tyres meeting the regulatory standard. This is administered by BEE which awards star ratings based on the performance of domestically manufactured tyres in tests conducted by NABL accredited labs. From the test results, a tyre’s star rating is awarded, based on the rolling resistance coefficient (while achieving minimum wet grip requirements). At present, BEE star labelling is in a voluntary phase, but is expected to become mandatory from January 2023. However, CEAT Tyres has proactively begun complying with the certification process. CEAT has received the 5-star rating for its SportDrive SUV tyres, SecuraDrive tyres for cars and SUV, and CrossDrive tyres for SUV.